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Paris-Yates Chapel & Peddle Bell Tower
The University of Mississippi

Special Events/Wedding Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. My wedding is two years from now. Can I go ahead and make my reservations?
      • No, reservations are only made one year out from your wedding month (ex. Wedding date is July 24, 2099; reservations can be made starting July 1, 2098).
      • Once you choose a date, review the Chapel Calendar to see if your date/time is available. Then, fill out the Reservation Form on the website and submit it.
      • If the date is available, submissions are accepted on a first come first serve basis, based on the date and time stamp of the submitted reservation form. There is a possibility that others are looking at the same date.
      • The chapel is accessible from 10 AM – 9 PM for weddings on available Saturdays only. We only allow one wedding per Saturday.
      • The Chapel is closed for ALL home football games. The Chapel is closed for ALL University holidays with no exception.
    2. How many pews are in the chapel? 30
    3. What is the current seating capacity in the Paris-Yates Chapel? The seating capacity is about 200.
    4. Are food and drinks allowed in the chapel? No
    5. Can I put tape on the floor? No tape can be used on the floor to mark spots or used for any purpose in the Chapel.
    6. Is communion allowed in the chapel between the couple? Yes
    7. How many microphones are in the chapel? There are two podiums that cannot be removed, and each podium has a microphone. These are turned on by University Staff for the Rehearsal and Wedding.
    8. Can the furniture on the stage be moved? The large chairs and altar table can be moved or used in the ceremony. ALL furniture MUST be returned to their original locations after the ceremony.
    9. What kind of flowers can be used during our ceremony? Real or silk/polyester flowers can be used in the chapel. Flower petals used on center aisle floor MUST BE silk/polyester flower petals and must be picked up after the ceremony. No real petals can be used on the aisles. There is a hook on the front door for a wreath. Wreath holders should be used for all other doors.
    10. Where can I place the wedding guest book during our ceremony? There is a marble/iron table by the front door for the guest book. It CANNOT be moved, and flowers can be used there if wanted.
    11. Is there a music system in the chapel that can be used during my event? There is Bluetooth capability that can be used with a cellphone. The wedding party operates this.
    12. Do I have to have an approved pianist to play the piano in the chapel? If the piano is used, the wedding party MUST return it to the storage location (Meditation Room – left of the stage).
    13. Do I have to have an approved organist to play the organ in the chapel? Yes, and a list is provided at the time of booking.
    14. Can the bells be played before, after, or during my wedding ceremony? They are always silenced unless there is a request to keep them on. They systematically play on the hour and half hour and can interrupt the ceremony. We do not have a chime on the bells or the organ to announce the wedding.
    15. Can we play “Wedding Bells” on the chapel bells at the end of my ceremony? No
    16. Can my photographer access the balcony to take pictures during my ceremony? No
    17. Does the Chapel have a wedding coordinator? The wedding party hires their own wedding coordinator if they want to use one.
    18. Does the Chapel have a minister who performs the ceremony? No and we also do not make recommendations.
    19. Who manages the heating and cooling in the chapel? The HVAC system is managed by the University, and the Chapel is kept at a constant temperature all year. There is no thermostat at the Chapel.
    20. Is there a set time that I can visit the chapel? See Wedding Regulations for these details.
    21. Are walk-throughs required? Yes, with the couple and/or wedding coordinator within a month before the wedding. This can also be arranged for the week of the wedding but must be done before the Friday rehearsal.
    22. Is there a space where the couple can get dressed? Yes, the first space is the auxiliary building, a small building on the north side of the chapel. It can be viewed during the walk-through. To the right side of the chapel stage, there is a small meditation room that can be used as a second space.
    23. Will there be a university staff member on site on the day of the rehearsal and wedding? No staff members will remain on location during your rehearsal or wedding, but a staff member will be there to unlock/lock the chapel and auxiliary building; turn on/off lights and turn on/off the sound system.

See Wedding Regulations on the chapel website for more details/information about the use of the Paris-Yates Chapel.